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Inside the Texas Revolution: The Enigmatic Memoir of Herman Ehrenberg

Herman Ehrenberg wrote the longest, most complete, and most vivid memoir (published in Germany in 1843) of any soldier in the Texan revolutionary army. After nearly two centuries, a definitive translation is now available. Inside the Texas Revolution: The Enigmatic Memoir of Herman Ehrenberg is a product of painstaking work by translators Louis E. Brister and James C. Kearney, as well as the volume’s editor, James E. Crisp, who has spent much of the last 27 years solving many of the mysteries that still surrounded Ehrenberg’s life, dispelling the myths, mistakes, and even outright lies (some made by Ehrenberg himself) that accrued in previous versions of the text. Dr. Crisp, Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University, a noted expert on the Texas Revolution, and Mr. Ryan Schumacher, Managing Editor, TSHA Press, discuss Ehrenberg’s book, a testament by a young Texan “everyman” who presents a laudatory paean to the Texan cause.
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