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William B. Travis: Victory or Death

As the Mexican forces advanced to San Antonio, William Travis led the preparation of the Alamo for the anticipated battle against Santa Anna’s men. Travis and his garrison were vastly outnumbered and significant reinforcements were not to arrive in time for the engagement. Nonetheless, Travis led the valiant defense of the Alamo until his death by gunshot during battle.

Discover how William Travis became a Texas hero in the fourth eBook in our Road to the Texas Revolution series. In this eBook, you will read more about:

  • The life of William Travis and his actions as the leader at the Alamo

  • Joe, a slave of William Travis and one of the few Texan survivors of the Battle of the Alamo

  • How the Anahuac disturbances helped precipitate the Texas Revolution

  • The Travis Guards, a military unit organized for home protection against the Indians, as well as Camp Travis, a military training camp established after World War I

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