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Women Across Texas History, Volume 2

Our unique history is shaped by the stories from the myriad individuals who influenced the politics, economy, and culture of Texas. Among these individuals are countless women who fought for gender equality and shattered glass ceilings, creating new opportunities for those who followed. Texas women make Texas history, and as a result of their contributions in the past, the foundation for the future is much stronger.

To ensure that these women receive proper recognition, TSHA has embarked on a multi-year effort to share their stories in our eBook series, Women Across Texas History. In this FREE eBook, you will read more about:

  • Jessie Ames, a progressive leader and founder of both the League of Women Voters and the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching.

  • Georgia O’Keeffe, the influential modernist painter who taught in West Texas

  • Jovita González de Mireles, a teacher, folklorist, and writer who was one of the first Texan Mexicans to obtain a master’s degree and work as a and the first female and Mexican to be president of the Texas Folklore Society.

  • Lulu Belle Madison White, a teacher and civil rights activist who was a vanguard in the effort to eliminate the white primary in Texas, integrate the University of Texas, and enforce equal salaries for black and white teachers.

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